HomeEngineeringMaterials EngineeringWater Treatment Technologies Services

Water Treatment Technologies Services

Water Treatment Technologies Services: Reduce Costs, Improve Performance, Improve Reliability, Optimize Efficiency, Uncover Latent Issues and Opportunities.

Water Treatment Technologies Services

Water Treatment Services 3
  • Reduce Costs
  • Improve Performance
  • Improve Reliability
  • Optimize Efficiency
  • Uncover Latent Issues and Opportunities
Acceptance of the status quo is all too common even though it can mean higher costs in production, efficiency, and reliability losses. In many cases, it seems there is just no time to do otherwise. The scientists, engineers and technicians of Acuren have the technical knowledge and experience to establish realistic water treatment objectives for your plant and to select the methods to achieve your goals through our Water Treatment Technologies Services. The first step is to establish a benchmark for optimum water treatment program performance. This should be developed from a comprehensive evaluation by independent, unbiased experts. To accomplish this, a study is made of your plant’s water and water treatment requirements and your current water treatment applications are evaluated. This takes experience, but the standards are simple.
  • Select the correct chemical(s)
  • Apply the correct dosage
  • Monitor and control each application
  • Record data and information
  • Measure and evaluate performance
  • Adjust as operating conditions change

Cooling Water, Boiler Water, and Process Water Treatment

Water treatment is a direct cost, but one that can provide a substantial return on investment (ROI) when applied correctly and consistently. The ROI of water treatment is very real, but it is frequently hidden in: Water Treatment Services 2
  • Higher productivity
  • Reduced maintenance requirements
  • Lower labor costs
  • Improved energy and fuel efficiencies
  • Lower water costs
  • Lower chemical costs
  • Improved equipment and system reliability
  • Equipment replacement cost avoidance.
The overall ROI can be difficult to assess, but the engineers and scientists at Acuren can help you connect the dots.

Water Conservation and Recycling

It makes sense to use as little water as possible. Water discarded after only one use can represent a significant and unnecessary cost. Acuren recognizes and facilitates water recycling opportunities.

Water Conditioning and Wastewater Treatment: Reclamation and Reuse

It’s a fact that all the water in the world has been used and reused many times over. What nature does with the hydrologic cycle, industry must do faster and more efficiently but on a much smaller scale. Water conditioning processes such as filtration, ion exchange, and membrane separation make water suitable for its intended use. Paying a premium for water quality superior to which is required is a needless cost. On the flipside, when water is conditioned insufficiently or unsatisfactorily, costs can escalate and detrimental operating conditions can develop.


The water treatment specialists at Acuren are experienced in developing and presenting training programs targeted to the needs of technical or operating personnel.
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Our experienced service providers are ready to deliver innovative, reliable solutions tailored to enhance your efficiency, reduce risks, and optimize costs.

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