A Higher Level of Reliability
in Numbers
Our Services
Explore our wide range of services tailored to your needs.
- Engineering
- Inspection
- Rope Access Services
- Industry Training
Engineering is what separates Acuren from the rest. Our engineers provide reliable solutions to your most difficult problems. The coast-to-coast teams work everyday to assess, validate, and predict the performance of our customers critical components. This expertise is put to the test performing fitness for service, laboratory testing, failure analysis, mechanical testing, and many more.
Engineering Overview
As the largest nondestructive testing and inspection company in North America, our technicians are never far from your need. We invest in technology and in our people to offer the most up to date inspections performed by skilled inspectors. Advanced robotics, ultrasonics, radiography, eddy current, visual inspection, just to name a few. If you have a problem with your asset, reach out to us today for a solution.
Inspection Overview
Rope Access Services
Our rope access technicians have the expertise to elevate the way you work. We are the largest provider of rope access services in North America and employ a full suite of industrial trades including insulators, electricians, welders, and more. Our teams have saved customers millions of dollars in access and work execution time all while working to some of the highest industry standards. If you have a problem that costs more to access than it does to fix, our teams can balance that scale.
Rope Access Overview
Industry Training
Our rope access technicians have the expertise to elevate the way you work. We are the largest provider of rope access services in North America and employ a full suite of industrial trades including insulators, electricians, welders, and more. Our teams have saved customers millions of dollars in access and work execution time all while working to some of the highest industry standards. If you have a problem that costs more to access than it does to fix, our teams can balance that scale.
Industry Training Overview
Featured Success Stories
Moving RNG to Market with Natural Gas Expertise
A Midwestern farmer embarked on a groundbreaking Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) project, collaborating with experienced pipeline system engineers to establish a connection to a traditional natural gas pipeline system. HT Engineering played a pivotal role, serving as the designer of the interconnect station and pipelines, providing a comprehensive design package and consulting on project implementation.
Featured Success Stories
Combatting Flange Face Erosion and Corrosion with Advanced PAUT Solutions
In oil and gas operations, where unsafe practices can lead to costly failures, flange face erosion and corrosion pose critical threats. These issues compromise refinery infrastructure, turning small flaws into major liabilities. With each flange connection vital to pipeline integrity, failures can cause leaks, unplanned downtimes, and lost revenue. This case study highlights strategies to combat these hidden dangers, ensuring safety, efficiency, and uninterrupted energy flow for global markets.
Featured Success Stories
Solution Brief – Acuren Partners with An Energy Leader to Provide Access Solutions
Acuren partnered with an energy company to support their TA/Maintenance program. Acuren’s access planner worked with the client’s planning and execution team to review any work scopes that could be executed via rope access instead of scaffolding to reduce the overall time and cost.
Featured Success Stories
Acuren Helps American Paleo Find and Preserve Fossils
Acuren’s experts partnered with Ohio’s American Paleo to find and preserve fossils using computed radiography (CR). Acuren was tasked with radiographing soft shale, calcite and pyrite, to locate fossils. Our team was able to successfully and safely utilize computed radiography’s benefits over traditional methods to complete the project.
Featured Success Stories
Solution Brief – Emergency Engineering Expertise Restores Critical Asset to Operation
During a turnaround at a gas plant, pressure testing was performed on a sulphur condenser’s (the “vessel”) shell side. The vessel was accidentally overpressured to 5.3 times its MAWP (maximum allowable working pressure). A new vessel would have cost over a million dollars and would have taken over 6 months to be built. Acuren performed Level 3 API 579-ASME FFS-1 Fitness for Service, followed by different NDE techniques, hardness testing and strain gauging during a pressure test. We worked very closely with the regulator and the customer to eventually bring the vessel back to service.
Featured Success Stories
Underside of Bridge Emergency Water Main Repair
There are two 30 inch diameter ¼” wall thickness steel water mains, which run along the underside of the bridge over a river way, that provide major water distribution to the community. The leak locations were difficult to access and on pipe which had an old asbestos coating. Acuren’s engineering and rope access crew provided a safe, economical, and timely repair solution to get the lines back into operating condition.
ISO 17025:2017
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 17025
CSA W 178.1
ISO 45001:2018
CSA W47.1
TSBC Contractor
NB 369
Acuren Careers
We are always hiring! There are exciting career opportunities for non-destructive testing technicians, inspectors, engineers, rope access technicians, and support staff. Come join our team.

Industries We Serve
We understand that every industry has different needs, standards, and challenges related to the integrity of assets. Our 40-year history, across nearly all industrial industries, allow us to pull on industry experts to solve nearly any problem. Avoid costly or unsafe mistakes and connect with us – let us help solve your problem.
View All Industries- Aerospace
- Automobile
- Building & Infrastructure
- Chemical
- Food and Beverage
- Insurance & Litigation
- Manufacturing
- Mining
- Nuclear Power
- Oil & Gas
- Pipeline
- Power Generation
- Pulp & Paper
- Tanks
- Wind

Acuren ensures aircraft reliability and passenger safety with specialized evaluations and certifications of components, systems, and assemblies, meeting strict standards.
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Acuren verifies car component integrity before production, preventing recalls and improving road safety.
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Building & Infrastructure
Acuren ensures aircraft reliability and passenger safety with specialized evaluations and certifications.
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Acuren technicians deliver crucial asset integrity and maintenance services, from basic inspections to full-scale engineering, meeting chemical industry needs.
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Food and Beverage
Food and beverage have unique challenges related to cleaning and hygiene and our rope access technicians provide critical support.
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Insurance & Litigation
Acuren's engineers provide failure, root cause, and material analysis for claims, also serving as expert witnesses to ensure accurate outcomes.
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For manufacturing clients, minimizing downtime is key. Our fast response and diagnostics help reduce operational costs.
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In challenging mining environments, we offer safe, high-quality mechanical and inspection access solutions for hard-to-reach areas.
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Nuclear Power
Navigating nuclear regulations is tough. We've invested in technology, certifications, and training to meet inspection needs.
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Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas is central to Acuren's inspection and engineering services, shaping our culture of reliability and responsiveness.
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With 40+ years of experience, our pipeline inspection, engineering, and management solutions boost efficiency and cut costs.
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Power Generation
Our strong ties with power providers give us insight to minimize downtime, boost productivity, and extend component life.
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Pulp & Paper
We understand equipment damage and process effects. Our engineers are technical leaders and have contributed to industry standards.
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We specialize in tank inspections and maintenance. From in-service inspections to engineered fit for service, Acuren’s tank teams can help.
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We offer full life cycle inspection and repair for wind turbines with crews across North America.
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About Acuren
With a history dating back to 1974, Acuren continues to acquire and develop capabilities to meet the needs of our clients for ongoing improvements in service delivery.
SINCE 1974
Delivering unparalleled reliability through innovative people passionate about a safer world.